see also Letter of Intent
see also Request for Comment
... hypothesis
... rationale
... objective
Forging the strenghts of a great variety of initiatives, the TransforMap community is a "community of communities" that seeks to inform and challenge the EU CAPS process.
{paragraph missing : concerning narratives and language. informational overflow and faceted, incremental cooperation. an experiment by and with those who are usually not expected to curate large scale work}
Instead of {building on classical, big institutions}, our consortium is a {multi-directional} networking effort of small, medium and large scale {organizations and initiatives} that intend to research and build alternative modes of production for {new institutions}.
We offer the resilience and adaptability of a self-organized {swarm|orgnet|hive|multitude} to operate for once with the amount of resources made available by Horizon 2020, an {investment} program of the European Commission.
From algorithmically modelling collaborative economies and web platform development to standards regulation and pragmatic {interventional performances}, we set out to span a wide acre.
We understand the term platform as a family of interoperable standards that create {media|intermediaries} for collective awareness.